Hello from my little corner of the internet. I know it has been quiet around here, but I am still breathing! Life has been full of the ups and downs that come with each season, but I’ve been busy speaking, teaching from the Bible, writing Bible studies, and working on a devotional. Not to mention doing my best each night to figure out what to make for dinner or where to bring my food from afar 😉 (Proverbs 31:14).
I have fully embraced the “empty nest” life, although some of my favorite days are still the ones in which Danny and I have the joy of seeing our kids (who both had the audacity to move out of state). No judgement though, because we did the same thing when we were their age. Oh, and we are smitten with the grand dog we are raising!
I can say with confidence that the Lord has been so faithful to me through the mountains and valleys, and I am learning to trust Him even more. In loss, in release, in new seasons, and the long obedience in the same direction. I pray you can look back and see His faithfulness to you as well. If you’re struggling to see it, would you be willing to ask the Lord to show you? One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 33:3,
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
While you are here, may I encourage you some more?
✨Take a moment to be still today – to be still and know that the Lord is God. He is alive and active and on the move. Sometimes in the stresses and mundaneness of life we lose sight of the bigger picture – the picture of our life in Christ. Trust me, the view is so much brighter from His perspective.
✨Jesus loves YOU. He is the Good Shepherd. He cares about you. He sees you. He is providing for you. He is setting a table for you even in the presence of your enemies – in the midst of anxiety and apathy, in busyness and boredom, or in striving and feeling like you don’t measure up – to name a few.
✨Take time to sit at the table of the Lord, to be nourished, and to taste and see that He is good. The Lord knows just what you need for the days ahead. Not much effort is required on your part other than taking your seat and from there taking one step at a time, following His lead.
Did you know my sweet spot is inspiring, encouraging, and equipping women? If you know someone who could use some encouragement, please share this with them. And stay tuned while I work to make the Bible study I wrote available to a broader audience. Spoiler alert – it’s about Jesus!!
My calendar is filling up and I would love to partner with you at your next women’s event, retreat or conference! Feel free to contact me through my website (carriekittinger.com) or my email (carriekittinger@gmail.com).
From my little corner here, know that I’m praying for you and cheering you on. Let’s keep in touch!