The hustle and bustle have begun. The grocery aisles are lined with turkeys and all the trimmings and malls are decorated for Christmas. If you and I are not careful, we’ll get tired just thinking about the next four weeks. There will be much serving and giving, as well as receiving. This season can easily become more about checking items off the list, saying yes to too much, spending beyond our means, and remaining in a perpetual state of exhaustion, rather than in peace and joy.
It is said that it is better to give than to receive, but if we are never on the receiving end, we won’t have much to give to anyone.
Jesus shows us a better way. He spent valuable time receiving from the Father in times of solitude. This, even more than sleep, enabled Him to pour into His disciples as well as serve the multitudes and welcome the little children. Jesus didn’t come to be served, but to serve.
For even the Son of Man didn’t come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45
We must first partake of what Jesus is giving out to us. Promotion or humility, grace or discipline, hiddenness or the spotlight, rest or activity, low valleys or mountain peaks. We can trust what comes from His hands.
Like a good parent who serves their child a healthy meal, our heavenly Father provides us with everything we need when we come to the table. As we allow Him to serve us, we learn to serve others. When we attend to others, whether we deem them worthy or not, we focus less and less on our position or greatness (Mark 9:33-37). As we receive from Jesus, not only are we better off, but we have much to share with others. Our hearts become healed, rested, and fueled to pour out His abundance on others.
Some of us need to move beyond receiving and become givers.
Others need to take a turn on the receiving end and allow others to serve them.
Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.
Mark 9:35
Only in the Kingdom of God can we get to the front of the line by serving. And when we get caught up in serving Jesus – by the time we’re offered the front spot – we’d rather give it away.
God’s Word gives us countless examples of those who put others above themselves. To list a few:
- Rebekah served and gained a husband. (Genesis 24:19-21)
- Esther served her husband as well as her enemy and her requests were granted. (Esther 5:4,7)
- Ruth served her mother-in-law and restored a family line. (Ruth 2:2)
- David served King Saul and trusted God’s timing for promotion. (1 Samuel 16:21-22)
- Moses served the nation of Israel and thousands of years later, they are still reaping the benefits of his service. (Exodus 3:20)
- Joseph, though innocent, served while in prison and was eventually lifted up and released. (Genesis 41:9-14)
Jesus came to serve AND to give His life. Because of His humility and obedience, all of humanity is positioned to receive eternal life. May this truth be the fire that keeps us going!
As we enter into a busy season of serving and being served, giving and receiving, let’s take inventory of more than just our pantries and shopping lists. Let’s slow the pace down and fuel up in times of quiet with the Lord. Let’s partake in what He’s serving up. Let’s allow Him to prioritize our schedules and lists. And Let’s be prepared to serve others from the overflow!