My daughter was a leader at a Younglife camp in Georgia a few years ago. The last night of camp (pictured here) the leaders set a table for over 500 teenagers. The message was clear – there is room at the table of the Lord for everyone. I’ve never set a table for 500 guests but when I take the time to invite others into our home I want everyone to have a place at the table. It’s worth the extra effort.
Much preparation is involved with a big dinner. We invite friends and family, set a date and time, decide on the menu, make the grocery list, shop, unload the car, put away the groceries, prepare the food, set the table, arrange seating assignments, and finally, enjoy the meal. Oh, but don’t forget about the cleanup.
No wonder going out to eat is so expensive!
Not many people open their homes anymore to invite others in. We gather in coffee shops and restaurants but these pale in comparison to being gathered around a table within someone’s home.
On the cross, Jesus made a way for ALL to be part of His family. The invitation is open to everyone! He is prepared 24/7 to receive us. He desires for us to partake in the family meal, remembering the once for all sacrifice He made to bring us near.
And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after the supper He took the cup, saying, “This is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”
Luke 22:19-20
You might be in a really difficult season right now. All your hope may be dried up. Will you trust the Lord to prepare a table for you even in the midst of barrenness and difficulty?
They spoke against God, saying, “Can God spread a table in the desert?”
Psalm 78:19
God can spread a table anywhere! Growing up in an Air Force family we traveled often, and my mom could spread a table no matter where we were. We ate as a family whether it was in the back of a station wagon, a rest stop along the road, or in a tiny hotel room.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Psalm 23:5
Whether you’re surrounded by literal enemies or just people you’re fed up with, trust the Lord to prepare a table for you even in the midst of unpleasantness. Allow Him to nourish your soul and refresh you. Maybe the reason you’re fed up with the people around you is that you’ve neglected to eat at the table of the Lord.
When David was established as king over Israel, he remembered the covenant he had made with Saul’s son Jonathan. He asked if there was anyone left in this family to show kindness to. David found out about Mephibosheth who was the only one left of Jonathan’s household, a crippled son. David made a place at the king’s table for Mephibosheth to eat daily as a son (2 Samuel 9:11).
There is room at the King of king’s table for everyone. Jesus asks us to go out and find others to share His kindness with. He has prepared more than enough to spread out the largest family table we will ever see in heaven, yet somehow we will all have a seat right next to Him.
Have you been crippled by life’s circumstances? Are you in a lonely desert season? Are you surrounded by enemies? Come as you are to the table and eat. Share in the King’s abundant provisions. Just like the father in the prodigal son story, He has dinner clothes ready and waiting for you and for me.