Faith is so personal that I hesitate to recommend the tools that help me connect with the Lord. There are different methods, but whatever we choose we MUST NOT neglect immersing ourselves in the Word of God. My pastor recently spoke on hearing the voice of God and how the voice of God sounds just like the Bible. If you want to grow in hearing God’s voice, then be in His Word. May we be a generation that seeks Him first. That said, here are a few key things in my life that have helped me in my faith walk over the years:
- Bible – NIV Key Word Study Bible (Bible and amazing study tools all in one).
- Journal – any cute, small, divided spiral notebook from Walmart that I use to take notes at church and in personal study time.
- Pens – fine point Sharpie in assorted colors (they don’t bleed through!) I underline and jot down notes in my Bible. My husband cherishes his father’s Bible that is full of handwritten notes.
- Bible Reading Plan – I pick a reading plan that takes me through the Bible in a year. The YouVersion Bible app has many to choose from. I have grown to love the Old Testament just as much as the New Testament. The gospel message of love and redemption is clear from Genesis through Revelation!
- Music – it is amazing how worship music can shift the atmosphere. Take it from me – try it out when you need an attitude adjustment!
- Committed and plugged into a local church that teaches from the full counsel of the Word of God. We must not give up meeting together (Hebrews 10:24-25). Relationship and accountability are key to growth.
- Bible study within community. Remaining active in Bible study over the years has helped me grow in my love for God’s Word and in my love for others. Getting together in a small group with the Bible open is life-changing.
- Personal prayer, prayer groups, and prayer walks with my dog Kit. Prayer is powerful and effective (James 5:16)! I have wrestled through days when my prayers seem like a broken record, but I have also witnessed the Lord move in mighty ways through prayer. What an absolute joy and honor it is to know the Lord hears us when we call out to Him. We can trust He is at work and answering prayer even when it looks different than we imagined. He alone knows ALL.