Just believe! I’m a sucker for a good holiday movie but each one I see has the same message – Christmas is all about the magic of belief. While I agree with the power of belief, I find the end result of these Christmas movies to be somewhat shallow. I don’t want my belief to only be wrapped up in earthly promises.
We read in Luke 1:45 of Mary, the mother of Jesus, “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!”
Mary, like us today, had a choice to make. Was she going to take God at His word or not? The Greek word, pisteuo, translated believed in this passage means to have faith in, to trust in, to be persuaded in the truthfulness of something. I want to highlight some of the ways Mary responded in belief to the Word of the Lord.
- Mary nurtured the Word of the Lord.
Mary traveled about eighty miles, a four-day journey, to see her cousin Elizabeth who was also pregnant with a miracle baby. Elizabeth would give birth to John the Baptist who would prepare the way for Jesus. We see no jealousy between these two women of faith. Imagine the encouragement and joy they shared!
God made sure Mary had a confidant in a woman of faith during a critical season of her life and what Elizabeth spoke to Mary lined up with what the Lord had spoken. We too must surround ourselves with others who will speak the truth to us as well as nurture the gift of God in us.
The shepherds hurried to the manger and told Joseph and Mary all that the angel of the Lord had announced. Mary treasured up and pondered these words in her heart.
The Greek word translated as ponder means to confer with, engage war in, to help, assist. In Webster’s Dictionary ponder is defined as to weigh in the mind, to deliberate about, to review mentally.
The biblical definition conveys prayer while the dictionary definition conveys worry. When Mary pondered these things she was taking them to the Lord in prayer and protecting what was promised rather than weighing herself down in worry.
Let’s battle in prayer rather than worry.
- Mary responded to the Word of the Lord in awe and thanksgiving.
In Luke 1:46-55 Mary responds with a hymn of praise that was an expression of her heart and a spontaneous overflow of words that we call the Magnificat.
This song of Mary is a mixture of her heart and Old Testament Scripture. God’s Word had been stored in Mary’s heart and it flowed out beautifully. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks! As we store up and treasure the promises in the Word of God we will begin to respond out of that abundance.
In obedience to Scripture, Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple to present him to the Lord and offer a sacrifice. While there a man named Simeon recognized the babe Jesus as the Savior of the world. Mary again marveled at what was spoken over her son.
May we not lose the wonder and awe of this season as we remember the coming of Jesus into the world and look forward to His return. Come, Lord Jesus!
- Mary knew when to activate the Word of the Lord in her life.
After the birth story of Jesus, there is not much recorded in Scripture of His childhood other than the time He went missing for three days at just twelve years old. Can you imagine? His parents found Him in the temple courts sitting among the teachers. Mary was again amazed and astonished at what she saw and heard and treasured these things in her heart. The time had not yet come for the fulfillment of what was promised but Mary did not waver in unbelief.
Imagine her joy in seeing Jesus grow in “wisdom and stature and in favor with God and with men.” (Luke 2:52)
There came a time when Mary had to activate the hope and promise within her heart. She had treasured and pondered all that had been spoken over her son and I’m sure she was ready to see some action! Mary played a part in the activation of the earthly ministry of Jesus.
When Jesus was 30 years old Mary was at a wedding feast with Him and the wine ran out. Mary makes Jesus aware of this and He responds, “Dear woman, why do you involve me? My time has not yet come.” (John 2:4) This mighty woman of faith pushes just a little as she says to the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.” Jesus ends up performing His first miracle, revealing His glory.
This marked a transition in their relationship and we see how Mary showed humility and selflessness – she released her son. All you mommas know how hard that is!
- Mary saw the fulfillment of the Word of the Lord and released her hold.
As Mary released Jesus from being her son to being the Son of God, salvation became a gift for all who believe. She saw her son die upon a cross and become her Savior as well as the Savior of the whole world. God’s promises are not to be kept only to ourselves but when the Lord asks us to release our hold there is still a blessing in store for us!
“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel – which means, God with us.” Matthew 1:23
Although the first Noel was in a stable not a home, Jesus’ life on earth was all about home. He opened the way to bring our hearts home to the Father God.